The "edit post" function is working again!
last month i got caught by my wife after a late night out with her (and some drinks).
i guess i am evil.. just wondering if anyone else has had this misfortune.. rub a dub.
The "edit post" function is working again!
just a heads-up that i will be testing some updates this evening.. the nature of the changes means it's difficult to test every scenario in advance offline (translation: it's a lot more effort and i just can't be bothered) so i'm going to go with the "wing-it" approach:.
deploy, check for errors, try to fix errors before anyone else notices them.. i can switch between the new and old version pretty quickly so if there are significant issues, i'll rollback and revert the changes while i work on the fixes.
worse case is the pages won't display quite right (dates might be a giveaway) but a full page refresh should fix things.. http://www.refreshyourcache.com/en/home/.
I noticed (as King of Typos) that the edit function is not available for new comments.
I shall live in shame.
my sister, who lives in atlanta, told me about this book today.. it is on my must-read list.. syl.
The medical establishment, who took a figurative "pound of flesh" from Mrs. Lacks were untroubled by the ethics that permitted the medical establishment to profit while Mrs. Lacks was left to live as though their family name was their destiny. Is this right? Couldn't the impoverished Lacks family be provided with at least a minimal, non-zero compensation?
my sister, who lives in atlanta, told me about this book today.. it is on my must-read list.. syl.
So. it could be said that Henrietta Lacks left an inheritance to everyone EXCEPT her family?
this is obviously a question for the older generation.
i'm really curious what it was like to be a witness in the 60's and 70's?.
was the society as strict as it is today?.
It was FUCKING GREAT! </sarcasm off>
My introduction to JWism started in the late mid-1950s. It is the reason I am such a cuddly curmudgeonly XJW today.
I wonder if The Watchtower had to take responsibility for getting this done as a condition of sale. I ca imagine that if the tunnels were allowed to remain, they would create property tax issues for the new owners.
i guess it's a good thing that i've been 'out' of this crazy religion so long that i'm not hip to newer buzzwords.... ...like, clam i'm guessing it's not a fun time at the beach, looking for shells or whatnot.. so, what is clam?.
Q.: What the heck is CLAM?
A.: CLAM is a common name for several kinds of bivalve molluscs. The word is often applied only to those that live as infauna, spending most of their lives partially buried in the sand of the ocean floor. In particular, edible infaunal bivalves are often called clams. Clams have two shells of equal size connected by two adductor muscles and have a powerful burrowing foot.
wt acknowledges their lack of neutrality during ww1, and previously stated that this was followed by a period of refining.
however, they were still the one group that far-and-away were the only ones that were practicing first-century christianity the most closely, as well as being the only group trying to do so.. interesting read about the hutterites ( http://www.ubcpress.ca/books/pdf/chapters/courtsandcolonies/chapterone.pdf ).
, especially this quote about ww1:.
Huh, ain't that sumthin, V.I.!
i told my parents that i was considering taking some college classes, (of course they think that i mean at the community college) and that it would be a good idea for me to take the act (which i took on the 8th of this month).
i'm trying to take baby steps so it won't be a big shock to them all at once.
and just to make something clear, i'm not planning on starting college this fall, but instead i have my sights set on next year.. p.s.
Good luck to you!
recently there was a thread where someone asked if there was a copy of crisis of conscience they could purchase.
raymond franz it seems had limited resources yet he was able to provide crisis of conscience in printed form to what?
The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society did a good job conditioning us all to believe that FREEDOM and LIFE could only be found in the pages of a book.
Ray Franz is dead. His books lie lifeless in limbo.
"Is that dead which can forever lie?
In strange eons, will death itself die?" -- with apologies to H P Lovecraft